Staying In Touch – I am Thinking of You
I really enjoy this time of year because I get to reconnect with friends and family (near and far). With FaceBook, this task has become a bit easier; however, there is nothing like someone taking the time to send a holiday card using the good old fashioned snail mail system. It shows the recipient that you are thinking of them and I believe it also becomes a transfer of positive energy.
Here is how it works. As I spend the time addressing the envelopes, I think about the recipient at least 3 times. First when I put the address label, then when I place the return address label and finally when I stamp the envelope (provided my Scottie, Abbey, has not eaten all of my holiday stamps, but that is another story).
I am not done, yet. I then address the actual holiday card to the recipient, the good energy shooting out across the universe. And, it does not end there, several days later the recipient receives the holiday card. Maybe seeing the return address label, thinks of me (hopefully fondly) and then opens the card and more energy is sent through the universal channel back to me.
I know this is a bit on the woo, woo side of things; however, I do think it adds the holiday cheer that increases significantly this time of year. Studies have shown that during the holiday season people are friendlier, smile more, laugh more, give more (not only to family, but also charitable organizations). So, start addressing your holiday cards – I guarantee that it will not only make you feel better, but also the recipient smile.
© 2010 Heather C. Morrow. All rights reserved
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Heather C. Morrow, owner of Pottery Daily, helps emerging artists express their true value and get paid what they are worth. Her products and services show you how to make more money, save more time while enjoying the freedom in your art. For your FREE audio go to