Taking a Step Back
We get so busy in our lives, performing our daily juggling acts of home, work, exercise, down-time, that we rarely take a step back to see if the circus has left town without us.
In my last article, I shared with you all that I am taking the Brave Girls Club online Soul Restoration course (www.bravegirlsclub.com). This 6 week course is drawing to a close and what it has given me is a lot of perspective on my life and how caught up I am in the routines that I truly do not enjoy at all.
I am a doer. I have always been good at doing. Have a task that needs to get done, give it to me and I’ll get it done. This is not necessarily a bad thing; however, it has created a laundry list of activities in my life that truly bring me no joy (including laundry itself).
So, I’ve been forced to look at the things I do and whether I do them because they are part of my routine, or because I find true joy.
Going forward, you will find me doing more of the things I truly enjoy – including writing, painting, throwing clay, walking and spending time at home.
I am also going to work at not saying “yes” to everything. This is going to be hard for me because my helpful doer spirit constantly opens her heart and says “I could help you with that,” without taking the time to look at the already packed schedule and whether it is something that is truly going to bring joy to my life.
What things bring you joy or bliss and how can you make more time in your life for them?
© 2011 Heather C. Morrow. All rights reserved
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Heather C. Morrow, owner of Pottery Daily, helps emerging artists express their true value and get paid what they are worth. Her products and services show you how to make more money, save more time while enjoying the freedom in your art. For your FREE audio go to www.marketandsellyourart.com.
February 22nd, 2011 at 4:45 pm
I am right there with you. I had a weekend of doing things for me, for my animals and my yard and house. That included a lot of yoga and cooking. Service to others is important but has its limits.