Archive for December, 2011

Take on the 366 Day (it is a Leap Year) Challenge and Inspire Others

Saturday, December 31st, 2011
  1. Create a account – the Clay (Basic) Level account is FREE.  If you have a Facebook account, you can use this to create your account.
  2. Once you are approved (within 24 hours) you can begin posting ceramic pieces for sale in your shop.
  3. You DO NOT have to login each day to post a piece of pottery, the website allows you to pick the date the item will be shared with the world.
  4. When you post a ceramic piece to, you also have the option to post it to the Facebook Fan Page and your own Facebook Wall.
  5. (more…)

Creating a Place for Your Ideal Customers

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Last week I was in Nashville and I went to the Opryland Hotel to see their world-renowned lights.  I have to say, I was skeptical and my expectations were very low; however, I was blown away.  All of the trees leading up to the hotel are completely decorated in lights.  They also have a greater than life size nativity scene with a recording of the story of the birth of Christ playing in the background.  Now, please keep in mind that I am not the Opryland’s ideal customer, and if I was taken by the Christmas themed entrance – imagine how their ideal customer feels.


[Guest Post]The Voice of Patience

Monday, December 5th, 2011
Post written by Leo Babauta.

There are moments when other people just set you off, and you lose your patience.

It is the downfall of many of us — coworkers, children, spouses, other drivers, irritating people on the subway — they can grate, they can anger.

And it can ruin your day. You clench your jaw, you replay imaginary arguments in your head, or worse, you snap. And then you feel like crap.

How can we find the patience? (more…)