[Guest Post]It’s OK For You to Not Know
Monday, August 15th, 2011Post written by Ted Moreno.
I used to be one of those people who always had to have an answer for everything, you know, a “know it all.” Then one day someone told me “You’re not at smart as you think you are, and you’re not fooling anyone.” The nerve!! But it was true. So I stopped being a person that to have the answer and started letting other people come up with the answer. That was a lot easier!
Sometimes I still find myself needing to come up with an answer, figure it out, or worse, make something up. But lately, I’m attempting to cultivate the peace and freedom that comes from saying “I don’t know.” I’ve been giving myself permission to not know. And you know what? I’m feeling pretty good about being a “not know it all.”
These days it’s almost a sin to not know. “What?” you often hear people say, “You didn’t know that?”
Seems like everybody needs to know everything. (more…)